
The very first settlers have arrived at Amiglia! 

What struck me the most upon arriving last Tuesday evening was the abundance of space here. Our own grounds are large, the buildings are spacious, and around Amiglia, we can look for kilometers in all directions. And the light! We’ve already seen rain and mist that takes its time to clear, but also that intense light that only exists in Southern Europe. Space and light—I breathe them in so gladly.

There’s a lot to organize, clean, and arrange, and while we already have pleasant rooms to sleep in, we’re still improvising and likely will be for quite some time. It’s part of Amiglia’s taking shape. For me, Amiglia is like a work of art that isn’t created by wanting or thinking, but because it unfolds on its own.

When I take enough time to remember my true nature—not doing all this, not having all this, but simply being present—I feel such wonder and even delight. It’s partly about everything I see and share with the other very first settlers, the love I feel for Mauro (who is still here for a bit) and for the people who send warm wishes to Amiglia through messages, and many other people. But mostly it’s about surrendering, allowing it all, letting it emerge. I can name the objects of my love, but really it’s about love that naturally flows through me in every moment, along with gratitude. It all feeds into itself.

After three days of working, today we explored what it’s like to walk to the station from Amiglia, take the train, and go to the sea in Savona. What a joy to see the blue water and feel it on our skins, and warm up in the sun. Once again, I was filled with delight, and I wasn’t alone in that. A highly recommended trip for anyone coming to Amiglia.

You can find more about Amiglia on the Amiglia website. Next week, I’ll write a newsletter from there with more concrete information. Sign up if you’d like to know more. The letters from Zoë will continue. They’ll remain more personal and inspirational. I’ll try to avoid overlap and definitely don’t plan on bombarding you with emails. 

Welcome to Amiglia!

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In love, 



From Nepal to Italy