Two Golden Tips

Dear friends,

“What a beautiful life you’ve created for yourself. How do you do it?”

I read this message on my phone while looking out over the Po Valley from my temporary balcony. (photo) This is indeed a very beautiful life, I thought, as I gazed at the sunlight on the distant mountains and the clouds I could almost touch.

But it’s not something I have created for myself. This beautiful life is who I am, and you are too, dear writer of the message. There is no separation between us and life. We are one life unfolding itself in every moment.

How do I do it? I probably do much less than you imagine. My life is relatively simple, and I mostly refrain from doing things, and thinking things. I don't think of myself as anything other than life itself, and I don't think that anything needs to be different from what it is. In every moment, I let go of the old, and in every moment, I also allow the new to come in. Often, this is less spectacular than a magical view over the Po Valley; sometimes it means being alone all day, feeling pain, or not knowing how to move on. But none of that is a problem if I don't make it one. It is all life unfolding itself in every moment.

Because I don’t really believe in separation, I experience a lot of oneness, which is love. I can't say that I choose to give love because it happens naturally and it is a blessing. I also don't expect love from others, and perhaps that's why I experience so much of it. It is all self-reinforcing. And it’s all about the fact that I don’t have a life, or make a life, but simply realise that I am life and directly experience it in every moment.

Here are two golden tips to feel less separated:

  1. Don’t compare. You don’t know what someone else’s life is like. You only have an image of it. Anyway, the image keeps you away from the experience of life itself. There is only this life moving through you, now. Use your senses to feel it.

  2. Choose not to be a victim. You can think of all sorts of reasons why life is difficult for you, and that you have no choice. Or you can choose to be present with all your senses in this moment. Every choice you make, make it for no other reason than for the experience of that moment. Do not speculate about the future and other people’s reactions.

If you can really apply these tips, chains of separation will fall away from you, and you will start dancing in the moment. I know that you are a dancer.

Love, Zoë


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