The journey to our unique expression

Dear people,

After a week in Belgium, my dance now continues in Andalusia, where the almond trees are blooming.

In Belgium, I led a Nobody’s Dance weekend retreat. As always it was on remembering our true nature, silence, endless consciousness from which our individual unique expression arises in every moment. I was deeply moved once again by the sincerity of the participants and the work that naturally unfolds through me and in our togetherness. It is like a work of art forming itself with everything present in that moment. What remains is the experience of what love and unity are, and our unique expression within that.

Through our personal history and identification - karma, trauma, corrupted thinking - our unique expression has become veiled. We no longer know what our unique expression is when we are not adapting, not feeling guilty, not fearful, not insecure, not responsible... Who would we be at this moment if we were undamaged and free? For me, it is the exploration we have to undertake in this life. We have all been separated from it, we have all become damaged and unfree, and we can all make the journey. Perhaps it is much more about the journey than the destination, about a choice rather than a result. I consider it a privilege to make that journey, to be able to make that choice.

During a retreat, we are on this journey together. Maybe we each start on our own journey, but in the end, we discover that we have been on this journey together all along. It becomes increasingly impersonal. We carry fragments of pain and unfreedom, but we don't really need to claim them as our own. They are waves moving through us, washing us out, fading away in the light we give them.

Here in Andalusia, I continue my exploration. I am here to further work on my book about radical freedom and Absolute Love, but the exploration also continues for myself. It sometimes comes in powerful waves, but what a privilege it is to allow them, to let myself be washed out, to become increasingly transparent, to be more and more that unique piece of life that endless consciousness wants to give expression to through this body and mind.

Perhaps you also want to travel together, find surrender and confidence to reveal your unique expression? Join me in Italy in April! All information can be found here. You can also reply to these emails if you have any questions.

Much love,


Love is not a story


Because from waking up, your heart opens up