With all my senses, this moment
Dear friends,
My dance of life has now led me to the Pyrenees. I have the privilege of staying with a Belgian woman who is a beekeeper here. Her honey workshop is not used in winter and has been converted into a lodging and writing quarters for a windblown wanderer like me.
Here, I don't find the comfort of the four-star hotel where I woke up yesterday morning - unplanned, due to circumstances - but I indulge in the quietness and the space I find here, the clear air, and the view of the mountains. What a luxury it is to hear almost nothing, to be able to see for kilometers, and to witness only nature, with distant snow on top. With all my senses, I sink deep into this moment.
'With all my senses, this moment' has been my mantra for a while. It is a reminder to let go of thoughts and immerse myself in my true nature. In life, in love, in freedom. In glory.
The opposite might be the thought: ‘There is this, but actually, I want something else.’ I do this job, but actually, I want to do something else. I live here, but actually, I want to live somewhere else. I am with this partner, but actually, I want to be with someone else. I say this, but actually, I want to say something else. These kinds of thoughts are vicious underminers. It's all about the 'but actually.' It is a parasite. It is often so subtle that you don't realize how it weakens you, how it keeps you away from experiencing your potential, from love and freedom, from dancing your life’s dance. 'But actually' holds you in a flat version of yourself.
If you intercept these kinds of thoughts, you can do two things: 1. Choose what you actually want. 2. Want what is already there.
The second option doesn't require major practical changes. It only requires stopping fantasizing, sinking into the moment, and experiencing what is with all your senses. You realize that everything is exactly as you want it in the moment. In the moment, everything is always exactly as you want it. You just forget to experience the moment with all your senses. When you truly sink into the moment, with all your senses, you come home. You cast off the 'but actually,' and you become unambiguous and uncompromising. You naturally start choosing more and more what makes you experience your potential, love and freedom.
For the new year, I wish you a mind without 'but actually' and a lot of dancing - with all your senses, in this moment - the dance of your life.
Much love,