Everything Will Be Alright. Really?
Right now, I am in my hometown of Ghent as a tourist. It's a bit weird to call it my hometown. I am enjoying being here, precisely because I am no longer at home here. I'm here to make some arrangements, to meet some people and, above all, to see my children.
In October, I stayed - I did a quick count - in 13 different places in five countries. I did a retreat in Italy and one in the Netherlands. In between, I was in various places in France, briefly in Belgium, and finally, quite unexpectedly, also in Germany. Traveling is being home for me. Or: my heart leaps up when I travel, and home is where my heart is. So, I am home in a leaping heart. It totally feels like that at the moment. I am experiencing so much beauty, so much I could want to hold on to, but precisely by not doing so and letting go again and again, I experience life as one wondrous now.
Do you ever dream that you are flying? For me, it usually looks like this: I am walking and then I notice that my front foot does not go back to the ground but continues to hover over the ground independent of gravity. I keep moving forward without setting off on the ground anymore, and then I tell myself, 'Oh, apparently I am flying.' This is what my life feels like now. I don't land anymore. There is only one infinite now. Not every moment is fun for the person Zoe, but every moment is experienced as perfection, as freedom, or as an invitation to become even freer. Every moment I can go inside and feel what the only reality is: love.
I was inspired to write about this when I overheard a conversation this morning in which someone said, "Everything will be alright". It is one of those statements like "Hope springs eternal". What does it really mean? Everything is already alright (because it is as it is). And you can keep hoping but it won't wake you up. Hoping is a way of not being fully present in this moment, and thus stuck in the dream.
And what if you have just lost a dear one or are in a war situation? Even then, even more then, there is the invitation to go within, to become free of thoughts, and experience what remains. Love that has no form. If everyone in the whole world went within to experience their true nature, there wouldn’t be any war. You cannot experience that your true nature is love, and wage war at the same time.
And neither should we hope that everyone in the world goes within and realise themselves as love. No one has to change. We can only choose ourselves in this moment to go within and stop waging our own war.
The video about shaking is coming soon! Shaking our bodies is one of the easiest ways to release trauma/unfreedom/tension. It is a way to let go of thoughts and heal our nervous system. Shaking until it is no longer you who is shaking but there is shaking only.
Much love from Ghent,